Thesis Abstracts

Relics: four ways of looking at loss

Neil Fettling, 2015

Monash University, , Faculty of Arts, au

Language difference and disorder in early sequential bilingual children

Gayle Hemsley, 2015

University of Queensland, , School of Medicine, au

The nature, ontogeny, and phylogeny of episodic foresight

Jonathan Redshaw, 2015

University of Queensland, , School of Psychology, au

The ferret model of human influenza: understanding the interplay between the immune response and human influenza viruses in vivo

Teagan Aimee Guarnaccia Kavanagh, 2015

Monash University, , School of Applied Science and Engineering, au

Simulation of precipitation and strengthening in MG-RE alloys

Hong Liu, 2015

Monash University, , Department of Materials Engineering, au

Violent political extremism and the socio-political dynamics of affect

Debra Ann Smith, 2015

Monash University, , School of Social Sciences, au

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