
A Cabin in the City: searching for refuge in the dense urban fabric

by Lauren E McWhorter

Institution: University of Washington
Year: 2018
Keywords: Cabin; City; Journey; Path; Refuge; Seattle; Architecture; Architecture
Posted: 02/01/2018
Record ID: 2209615
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/1773/40781


The pioneer cabin was originally a modest dwelling protecting its inhabitants from the wilderness in which they lived. Over the years it has evolved to become a symbol of simplicity and solitude in American culture. As the city becomes more dense and chaotic, the need of its inhabitants for solitude and refuge is increasing more than ever. This thesis argues the architectural type of the cabin can used as a means to create a physical refuge in the city, serving as a shelter and symbol in the urban wilderness. The design proposal for a series of cabins in the city of Seattle will address this need for a refuge within the city as an individuals resting place within the dense urban fabric.Advisors/Committee Members: Proksch, Gundula (advisor), Miller, David (advisor).