
The Socially Constructed African American Image in American Film & Television

by Kevin J. Parkinson

Institution: Savannah College of Art and Design
Department: Film and Television
Degree: M.F.A.
Year: 2012
Keywords: Thesis (M.F.A.)  – Film and Television; Savannah College of Art and Design  – Department of Film and Television
Record ID: 1974567
Full text PDF: http://ecollections.scad.edu/iii/cpro/DigitalItemViewPage.external?sp=1001204


The purpose of this study was to investigate the constructed reality of African Americans and its influence on the widely held belief that their extreme living situations are normal, such as growing up without a father or in poverty. Another aim was to find out why Social Construction is not being used for the benefit of the masses. Finally, the use of Social Construction to implicate the excellence in education for African Americans was examined in the study. The study focused on popular American films and their effects on the American public. The principal conclusion was that we can use film and television as Social Constructors to glamorize worthy and tangible frames of mind, such as positive thinking and education. Includes the film short "Beating the Legacy".