AbstractsLaw & Legal Studies

An Inquiry into the Factors Affecting the Outcome of the 1948 Presidential Election with the Situations in the States of Illinois, Ohio, and California Subject to Special Emphasis

by Buell C. Raupe

Institution: North Texas State College
Year: 1950
Keywords: presidential election; election; factors; Harry S. Truman
Record ID: 1552062
Full text PDF: http://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc130264/


This thesis examines the factors affecting the outcome of the 1948 presidential election. The factors which will be take up are not a complete list of all those influences on the election but will be those which appeared most frequently in writings on the subject and those which, in the writer's opinion, exerted the strongest influence. By combining specific studies of the tree large pivotal states, with the investigation of general factors affecting the election, it is believed that certain rather definite conclusions can be drawn concerning what happened in the country as a whole.