AbstractsBiology & Animal Science

A statistical study of the characteristics of the body fat of bacon pigs and some factors which affect them.

by Thomas Lentor. Purdy

Institution: McGill University
Department: Department of Animal Nutrition and Breeding.
Degree: MS.
Year: 1939
Keywords: Animal Nutrition and Breeding.
Record ID: 1490653
Full text PDF: http://digitool.library.mcgill.ca/thesisfile130225.pdf


A statistical study of the carcass measurements and the oharacteristics of the back £at from bacon pigs fed rations varying in fat content are reported. A change of as little as .4% of fat in the ration resulted in a marked change in the composition of the body fat. Barrow carcasses are firmer and carry a greater depth of back fat than those of gilts. The fat of the former also contains less moisture and has an iodine number 2% lower than that of gilts. Of the chemical constants of the fat, iodine number interprets the observed firmness of the carcass to a much greater degree than saponification number or refractive index. However, the iodine number does not appear adequate in measuring bacon carcass firmness.