
High Density Simulation of Crowds with Groups in Real-Time

by Jack Shabo

Institution: KTH
Year: 2017
Keywords: crowds; high density; groups; unilateral; LCP; swirl; streamline; Computer Sciences; Datavetenskap (datalogi)
Posted: 02/01/2018
Record ID: 2196783
Full text PDF: http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-210564


To simulate crowds of people is of great social interest and is also believed to be useful when analyzing situations involving denser crowds. Many simulators seen over the years have however been struggling with simulating larger number of people, often due to a computationally expensive collision avoidance step. Furthermore, many simulators seems to forget the fact that people tend to stick together in smaller social groups rather than walking alone. A simulator for high density crowds has nevertheless been implemented through modeling crowds as a unilateral incompressible fluid. Together with an integration of groups onto this approach, the obtained solution allows for real time simulation of up to 3000 virtual people. The impact of having groups in simulations has furthermore been set as the overall goal of the thesis and has been analyzed through observing the effects of groups in various scenarios. A smaller user study has also been conducted in order to gain perceptual insights of groups in various crowd densities. These have shown that groups have a smaller impact on the crowd flow, and do not put a larger strain on the performance of the simulation. Groups are further proved to be perceived differently in different densities, with a possible difficulty for scenarios in higher density. Att simulera folkmassor r av stort socialt intresse och tros ven vara till nytta nr man analyserar situationer som berr mer kompaktare folkmassor. Mnga tidigare simulationer har dock kmpat med att simulera strre folkmassor, oftast p grund av hga berkningskostnader mot frhindrandet av att tv eller fler virtuella mnniskor kolliderar in i varandra. Dessutom verkar mnga simulationer glmma bort att mnniskor oftast gr i mindre sociala grupper snarare n att g var och fr sig hela tiden. En simulering har trots detta gjorts genom att modellera folkmassor som en unilateral inkompressibel vtska. Tillsammans med en integration av grupper p detta tillvgagngsstt har lsningen visat sig alltsomallt ge simulation i realtid fr uppemot 3000 virtuella mnniskor. Effekten av att ha grupper i simulationer har vidare analyserats i en rad olika scenarion. En mindre anvndarstudie har ocks gett insikter i hur grupper uppfattas i olika kompakta folkmassor. Resultat har visat att grupper har en mindre effekt p folkmassor i det stora hela, och lgger inte en alltfr stor pfrestning p simulationers prestanda. Det har ocks bevisats att grupper uppfattas annorlunda i olika kompakta folkmassor, med en viss mjlighet till svrare uppfattning i hgre, mer kompakta folkmassor.