
South Vietnamese cuisine: a new potential in Finnish's culinary map

by Thuy Thao Nguyen

Institution: Theseus
Year: 2017
Posted: 02/01/2018
Record ID: 2181068
Full text PDF: http://www.theseus.fi/handle/10024/137677


This is a research-based thesis with the purpose of seeking for a potential future of a South Vietnamese kitchen in Finland, especially in the capital area where most young generations migrate. To reach this goal, this thesis consists of many steps from overviewing the worlds demands based on a study about mega trends forecasted for the near future to the well-received trends in general and in food industry at large. To be more specific, the author will explore recent food trends globally and in Finland, included together with the existence of Vietnamese cuisine in Finland.The next step is to provide the background of the Vietnamese cuisine to help understand why it can be a potential for the Finnish gastronomy market, in contrast to other Asian fla-vours available in Finland. Facts about the cuisines history and multicultural impact are also mentioned. From forming the theoretical framework to forecasting the potential of the dis-cussed topic, there are two research methodologies used for evaluation and further study. The first one is a quantitative research study by conducting an online survey to gather vari-ous responses from people with different backgrounds and demographic values. The se-cond research method is benchmarking Vietnamese cuisine against other existing competi-tors within the Nordic areas who share similar cultural aspects.Most findings from the survey shows a general lack of knowledge regarding Vietnamese cuisine from respondents suggestions and expectations, the South Vietnamese kitchen is still a promising idea if it can address the concerns mentioned from the survey participants. In addition, the proposed design, pricing, dining habits are also collected from the survey results.Based on the study of relevant topics and the researchs results, a preliminary plan is intro-duced for a modern South Vietnamese kitchen with proper prices while providing delicious Vietnamese food with a warm, cosy atmosphere, with options for specialties and the idea of food sharing is relatively new but worth a try.