
English in Finnish young womens magazines:a study of Demi, Trendi and Cosmopolitan

by T (Tanja) Karjalainen

Institution: University of Oulu
Year: 2017
Keywords: English Philology
Posted: 02/01/2018
Record ID: 2154746
Full text PDF: http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:oulu-201704131491


Abstract This masters thesis examines the use of English as an additional linguistic resource in the language of Finnish young womens magazines. The aim of the thesis is to study the amount of English in the magazines as well as the ways in which English is mixed with Finnish. Furthermore, one goal is to discuss the possible reasons for the use of English instead of Finnish with the help of previous research done on the role of English in Finland. The data of the study consists of the September 2016 issues of Demi, Trendi and the Finnish Cosmopolitan, and the research method is qualitative analysis. The study was conducted by gathering examples of the use of English in the magazines and categorizing and analyzing the findings. The findings of the study were also compared with the results of previous studies in the field. The study showed that the articles in the magazines include many examples of code-switching both inside and between clauses. The articles also include plenty of loanwords from English, and among the examples there are both older and newer loans. Some of the loan words have been adapted to the Finnish phonological, orthographical and grammatical system, but many of the newer words have also been loaned as citation loans. In addition, there are a lot of references to English company, product and peoples names in the articles. The magazines also include many advertisements, which were studied separately. The study showed that English is used in various degrees in the great majority of the advertisements published in Demi, Trendi and Cosmopolitan. Among the advertisements studied, only a few are fully English, but English is commonly used in addition to Finnish in the form of English product names, loan words, pictures with English texts and code-switching. Overall, the findings of the study show that English is used extensively and versatilely as an additional linguistic resource in the genre of Finnish young womens magazines. The results also confirm the observations made in previous research on the increasing role of English in Finland. Tiivistelm Tm pro gradu -tutkielma ksittelee englannin kytt kielellisen lisresurssina suomenkielisiss nuorten naisten lehdiss. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvitt, kuinka paljon englantia lehdet sisltvt ja mill tavoin sit kytetn suomen kielen rinnalla. Yksi tutkimuksen tavoitteista on mys pohtia aiempien tutkimusten avulla, miksi englantia kytetn niss tapauksissa suomen sijasta. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu Demin, Trendin ja suomenkielisen Cosmopolitanin syyskuun 2016 numeroista, ja kyseess on laadullinen tutkimus. Tutkimus toteutettiin kermll esimerkkej englannin kielen kytst lehdiss, jaottelemalla esimerkit vastaaviin kategorioihin ja analysoimalla lydkset. Tuloksia