AbstractsWomens Studies

Core Self-evaluations As a Dispositional Determinant of Perceived Gender and Age Discrimination among Young Working Women

by Jordan Blackhurst

Institution: Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
Year: 2016
Keywords: Women's studies; Psychology; Organizational behavior
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2127595
Full text PDF: http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=10147016


Recent survey results indicated that 51% of young women who experienced or observed gender discrimination also experienced ageism (Business Professional Women’s Foundation, 2011). The purpose of the current study was to examine a possible construct for predicting the perceptions of gender and age discrimination among young working women (N = 327, M = 25.6 years old) . Job satisfaction, stress, and work-life balance were examined as mediating variables. In addition, double jeopardy (i.e., gender and age discrimination interaction) among young working women was examined. The results indicated that perceptions of gender and age discrimination are predicted by core self-evaluations, job satisfaction and stress mediate this relationship, and double jeopardy was not supported. Collectively, these results may be useful to organizations wishing to expand the diversity of their workforce and/or prevent perceptions of discrimination among minority employees, especially women.