AbstractsBusiness Management & Administration

The Homecomposter:

by der Veen Van

Institution: Delft University of Technology
Year: 2015
Keywords: worms; vermicomposting; composting; organic waste
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2116412
Full text PDF: http://resolver.tudelft.nl/uuid:784b1640-94bd-4221-b5b4-bb73a0128d37


For the urban dwellers who are unfamiliar with vermicomposting and who are dissatisfied with the current sustainable waste solutions our product is a composting solution that provides a simple, charming and appealing product unlike any other vermicompost or urban waste processing system. To achieve this we have assembled the proper worms, a compact and simple to use housing system and a collection of the required knowledge for using those. Phase 1 - Background and application of vermicomposting In the Netherlands about 64 kg of organic material is thrown in the residual waste stream. Splitting this material in separate streams for sustainable reprocessing is made highly difficult as central collection is nearly impossible. Domestic composting is a sustainable method for converting home produced organic waste in a fertile substance that would be able to achieve some level of waste splitting. Vermicomposting is a sub-form featuring compostworms that facilitate the natural composting process. There are various available systems that use the benefits of vermicomposting to allow people to compost all year round and potentially indoors. Maintaining a vermicomposting system can be a challenge however; contemporary systems are found to be unsatisfactory. Even though the base of the system: feeding and harvesting sounds simple, there are several variables that determine whether or not a vermicomposting system will work effectively or will completely fail, thus succeed in the market of 2015. Besides these practical issues retaining to vermicomposting, the mentality of people and their capacity to house vermicomposting systems also influences the commercial viability of a product. As does the user’s perception towards these systems and the inhabiting worms. In the end, a program of demands related to vermicomposting system design was set up. It suggests that both perceived and actual parameters such as ergonomics are important, besides simply allowing the system to operate. Phase 2 - Generating ideas and creating concepts Using the program of demands as a starting point a process of free ideation, creative facilitation and analytic design was performed. This created six design directions. Using complexity and viability as comparison criteria the countertop and c-shape directions were chosen to be continued. These were developed further into two concepts: the wormplate and circular. Following evaluation by representatives from Muilwijk a third concept called Topsplitter was added. Phase 3 - The citycomposter and fruitcomposter A comparison of the circular, topsplitter and wormplate concepts by Cityplot suggests that a combination of the first two will create an optimal system for vermicomposting in urban areas. This combination was developed as the Citycomposter. A 1:1 model of the system was built and was tested for a period of four weeks. It was found to be operating well, but issues arose due to the large size and the perishing of the worm population during heat. Even more so, the feasibility of this system was… Advisors/Committee Members: Ninaber, B., Vroom, R.W..