AbstractsBiology & Animal Science

Bibliographic database analysis: citation graphs and indirect indicators

by Eleni Fragiadaki

Institution: Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας
Year: 2016
Keywords: Ανάλυση βιβλιογραφικών αναφορών; Βάσεις βιβλιογραφικών αναφορών; Έμμεσοι δείκτες; Γενεές βιβλιογραφικών αναφορών; Γράφοι βιβλιογραφικών αναφορών; Παράγωγοι γράφοι; Γράφοι αναφορών - δημοσιεύσεων; Γράφοι συγγραφέων - δημοσιεύσεων; Γράφοι περιοδικών - δημοσιεύσεων; Hirsch αλγόριθμοι; Δείκτες δημοσιεύσεων; Δείκτες συγγραφέων; Δείκτες περιοδικών; Αυτο-αναφορές; Έμμεσες βιβλιογραφικές αναφορές; Αξιολόγηση της έρευνας; Citation analysis; Bibliographic databases; Indirect indicators; Citation generations; Citation graphs; Derived graphs; Paper-citation graph; Author-citation graph; Journal-citation graph; Hirsch algorithms; Paper indicators; Author indicators; Journal indicators; Self-citations; Indirect citations; Scholarly assessment
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2082031
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10442/hedi/38595


Scientific publications with new advances in a vast number of scientific fields are being published and made available to researchers around the world daily. In such an active scientific environment it has become very important for researchers to not only be able to publish their work but to also understand and explore the research performed by other influential scientists. This process of discovery and dissemination of knowledge is one of the areas where Citation Analysis can be of great use. The different techniques, metrics and approaches defined by Citation Analysis allow scientists to identify publications of particular interest, follow the published research of influential scientists and even identify publications that have set the grounds for new research fields.In our digital era this means that institutions and publishing bodies have a need to store large sets of information in bibliographic databases. The databases hold information about the publications, their respected authors and publishing bodies. Some bibliographic databases also hold the actual published manuscripts and index the publications based on a number of different factors including the list of provided keywords. Publications are also connected, as they always rely to some extend on previously published research performed by the same or other researchers. Therefore the data stored in these bibliographic databases can be expressed in the form of Graphs, and as we will see later in this dissertation, these Citation graphs can express the relationships that are formed between the different research entities (i.e. publications, authors and publishing bodies).This dissertation examines the different research entities that participate in the publication process of scientific research in an attempt to classify the existing indicators used to identify influential publications, researchers and publishing bodies. It proceeds by examining the use of Citation Graphs in Citation Analysis and describes in detail the concept of Derived Graphs and the algorithms that can be used to produce them, which constitute part of the contribution of this study. We continue by studying the different definitions of generations of citation and critically evaluate them in order to select the definition that is later used in the set of proposed paper and author indicators. Finally a list of well known indicators is examined and compared against the proposed indicators using the data provided by two well known bibliographic databases, namely CiteSeerx and DBLP. Ένας μεγάλος αριθμός επιστημονικών δημοσιεύσεων γίνεται διαθέσιμος καθημερινά σε ακαδημαϊκούς και ερευνητές ανά τον κόσμο. Οι ερευνητές, συμμετέχουν σε αυτό το τόσο ενεργό επιστημονικό περιβάλλον όχι μόνο δημοσιεύοντας την προσωπική τους έρευνα, αλλά και αναζητώντας πληροφορίες και ερευνητικές πηγές που παρουσιάζουν την έρευνα άλλων διακεκριμένων επιστημόνων. Σε αυτήν ακριβώς την διαδικασία της αναζήτησης και διάχυσης της επιστημονικής πληροφορίας είναι που το πεδίο της Ανάλυσης βιβλιογραφικών αναφορών μπορεί να…