AbstractsMedical & Health Science

Balinese nurse's experience of patient death; Balinese nurse's experience of patient death

by Claudia Kegel

Institution: Ersta Sköndal Högskola
Year: 2016
Keywords: Death; Bali; Culture; Nursing; Experiences; Bali-Hinduism; Död; Bali; Kultur; Vårdvetenskap; Upplevelser; Bali-Hinduism; Medical and Health Sciences; Health Sciences; Nursing; Medicin och hälsovetenskap; Hälsovetenskaper; Omvårdnad; Medicine; medicin; Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Sjuksköterskeprogrammet
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2078555
Full text PDF: http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:esh:diva-5364


Background: Nursing is a profession in which one will face death in different circumstances,and how the nurse will be affected by the death of their patient may vary with the nurses’ cultural and religious background. Bali-Hinduism is the most practised religion on Bali in Indonesia, permeating the inhabitants’ day-to-day life. Aim: The purpose of this study was to explore Balinese nurses’ experiences of the death of a patient in their care, in the light of their cultural surroundings and background. Method: Semi-structured interviews analysed with qualitative content analysis. The material was organized in themes and subthemes. The participants were one male and three female nurses from a private hospital in Denpasar, Indonesia. Results: The results showed that the Balinese nurses were leaning rather heavily on their religious beliefs in their daily work, and that their cultural situations greatly affect their way of coping with patients’ deaths. Three major themes emerged during the analysis: cultural and religious aspects, emotional reactions to patients’ deaths, and factors that aid coping. Discussion: Many of the ideas the nurses expressed could be further understood when learning more about Balinese culture and Bali-Hinduism, for example the notion that the physical health of a person is closely related to the will and intention of that person. Similar to Parse’s view of the human being, the Balinese perceive the human being as a versatile and complex being, connected to and affected by various aspects such as background, culture, surroundings, religious context, education, family and other human beings. The results were discussed in comparison to recent research on the subject and to Parse’s theory of humanbecoming. ; Bakgrund: Att arbeta som sjuksköterska innebär att möta döden i olika situationer, och hur sjuksköterskan reagerar på sin patients bortgång varierar med sjuksköterskans kulturella och religiösa bakgrund. Denna studie fokuserar på den balinesiska sjuksköterskans upplevelser och undersöker vad för slags copingstrategier hon använder. Bali-Hinduism är den mest utbredda religionen på Bali i Indonesien, och genomsyrar invånarnas vardag. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka balinesiska sjuksköterskors upplevelser av patienters död, i ljuset av deras kulturella omgivning och bakgrund. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer som analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultaten diskuterades i jämförelse med aktuell forskning och Parses teori om humanbecoming. Resultat: Resultatet visar att balinesiska sjuksköterskor förlitar sig på religionen i hög grad i det dagliga arbetet, och att deras kulturella sammanhang kraftigt påverkar deras sätt att handskas med patienters död. Tre teman framträdde under analysen: kulturella och religiösa aspekter, sjuksköterskan och döden och faktorer som stödjer…