AbstractsWomens Studies

The illustrative bridge between Kitsch and Avant Garde Feminism

by Fivi Spyridonos

Institution: Savannah College of Art and Design
Year: 2016
Keywords: Thesis (M.F.A.)  – Illustration; Savannah College of Art and Design  – Department of Illustration
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2076324
Full text PDF: http://ecollections.scad.edu/iii/cpro/DigitalItemViewPage.external?sp=1003253


'This thesis is focused on the transformation of feminism through the development of the female figure in illustration. The initial aim is to explore the use of iconic illustrated women from American and Greek Culture during modern and ancient times. With the comparison of the Gibson Girl and the Greek Muses this statement supports the idea that there are two different kinds of feminism, Kitsch and Avant Garde. This thesis concludes with an emphasis on pop surrealist Mark Ryden’s approach towards feminism through his work.' Keywords: feminism, Kitsch, Avant Garde, materialism, storytelling, individuality, symbolism, metaphors, female figure, Greek Mythology, pop culture Advisors/Committee Members: CHAIR: Sanchez, Ryan, Vargo, Kurt, Danawi, Mohamed.