AbstractsWomens Studies

Intersectional Inequalities in Global Political Economy

by Bjarke Thorboe

Institution: Roskilde University
Year: 2016
Keywords: Intersectionality; GPE; Global Political Economy; Feminism; Inequality; Global Studies; Marxism; Post-structuralism; Empirical feminism; Review
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2072259
Full text PDF: http://rudar.ruc.dk/handle/1800/27797


This review covers the literature in Global Political Economy that applies the concept of intersectionality that stems from feminist scholarship. After examining the literature, it is concluded that the intersectionality concept in Global Political Economy is under-theorized; that research has neglected a number of both underprivileged and privileged categories; that quantitative studies are more prominent in Global Political Economy, than other intersectional research; and that few attempts have been made to conduct intersectional studies on a global scale. The first section examines the dominant theoretical tendencies, which can be divided into empirical feminism, standpoint theory and Marxism or post- structural feminist theory. The second section will review the numerous qualitative and quantitative methods used in the field. In the third section, the gaps within the field are identified, along with tentative suggestions for further research within the field. Advisors/Committee Members: Schouenborg, Laust (advisor).