
Applying Supportive Design for Aging into Multi-Unit Senior Residential Environments in China

by Weijun Li

Institution: Savannah College of Art and Design
Year: 2016
Keywords: Thesis (M.F.A.)  – Interior Design; Savannah College of Art and Design  – Department of Interior Design
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2065900
Full text PDF: http://ecollections.scad.edu/iii/cpro/DigitalItemViewPage.external?sp=1003254


Bibliography/webography: pages 157-160. 'This thesis investigates the role of the interior environment in lessening the symptoms of depression. With the increasing population of Chinese elderly people, construction of new home-like spaces with cultural amenities promises to be a significant design development in China. This research explores the psychology and physical requirements in the residential built environment of Chinese empty nesters. Information collected from a literature review, a survey, expert interviews, precedent analysis, case studies, and a study of Chinese housing generates an assessment of the impact interior environments can have on the cultural aspects of living for Chinese elders. Using supportive design for aging as the main theory, the design project proposes a living space based on multiple social nodes that encourage social engagement, making inhabitants happier and healthier. The project emphasizes the personal value of Chinese elderly people and seeks to protect their individual dignity while living in senior communities.' Keywords: Chinese empty nesters, senior living center, design, interior design, supportive design for aging Advisors/Committee Members: CHAIR: Chapin, Meldrena, Harris, Bethany, Wang, Peili.