AbstractsEarth & Environmental Science

Evaluation of the coarse aggregate influence in the fatigue damage using fine aggregate matrices with different maximum nominal sizes

by Arrais Freire Reuber

Institution: Universidade Federal do Ceará
Year: 2015
Keywords: INFRA-ESTRUTURA DE TRANSPORTES; Damage; Fine aggregate matrix; Maximum nominal size; Simplified viscoelastic continuum damage; Linear amplitude sweep; Dano; Matriz de agregados finos; Modelo simplificado de dano contÃnuo em meios viscoelÃsticos; Varredura linear de amplitude de deformaÃÃo; Fadiga
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2065151
Full text PDF: http://www.teses.ufc.br/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=15338


Fatigue cracking is one of the most common distresses in flexible pavements in Brazil and in the world. Fatigue damage in asphalt mixtures originates as a small scale phenomenon. Recently, some authors have used the fine portion of the asphalt mixtures, called Fine Aggregates Matrix (FAM), as an intermediate step to estimate the hot mix asphalt (HMA) behavior. By definition, the FAM is composed of fine aggregates, mineral filler and asphalt binder. There are many volumetric issues of these kind of mixtures. In Brazil, the developed research regarding FAM uses sieve10 (2.00mm) in the FAM sample preparation, since the #16 sieve (most used in the literature) does not belong to the set of national standardized sieves. Recently, some authors have used the concept of continuum damage mechanics in viscoelastic media in order to quantify the damage during the fatigue testing. In this theory the cracks are considered homogeneous dispersed in the medium, and are represented from internal state variables, determined experimentally. The objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of the variation of one of the FAM constituents, the aggregates, by varying its Maximum Nominal Size (MNS), on damage resistance of these asphalt mixtures. To achieve the objective, Linear Amplitude Sweep (LAS) and time sweep (TS) tests at controlled stress and controlled strain modes of loading were performed on the mixtures and the results were analyzed using the simplified viscoelastic continuum damage (S-VECD) methodology creating C vs S curves. Through the results and a failure criterion based on energy, cyclic tests can be simulated at different loading conditions for WÃhlerâs curves construction. The FAM dynamic moduli obtained are very similar to the frequency used to induce damage. However, for lower frequency, the intermediate FAM presented lower stiffness value. It was concluded that FAM with different MNS present very distinct damage performance, and the decrease in the MNS results in an increase in the mixture damage performance for low strain amplitudes. Also, the LAS testing protocol does not allow failure prediction due to the absence of failure in this type of test for FAM. O Trincamento por fadiga à um dos problemas mais comuns em pavimentos flexÃveis no Brasil e no mundo. Danos por fadiga em misturas asfÃlticas se origina como um fenÃmeno de pequena escala. Recentemente, alguns autores tÃm utilizado a porÃÃo fina das misturas asfÃlticas, chamado Matriz de Agregados Finos (MAF), como um passo intermediÃrio para estimar o comportamento do Concreto AsfÃltico (CA). Por definiÃÃo, a MAF à composta de agregados finos, fÃler mineral e ligante asfÃltico. Hà muitas questÃes volumÃtricas neste tipo de mistura. No Brasil, a pesquisa desenvolvida sobre MAF usa peneira #10 (2,00mm) na preparaÃÃo de amostras, uma vez que a peneira #16 (mais utilizado na literatura) nÃo pertence ao conjunto de peneiras normatizadas nacionalmente. Recentemente, alguns autores tÃm utilizado o conceito de mecÃnica do dano contÃnuo em meios viscoelÃsticos,… Advisors/Committee Members: Jorge Barbosa Soares, VerÃnica Teixeira Franco Castelo Branco, Amit Bhasin.