AbstractsComputer Science

Conceptual design of a digital knowledge environment for networked service providers:

by JRJ Vincendon

Institution: Delft University of Technology
Year: 2016
Keywords: networked individualism; networked service providers; knowledge environment; knowledge sharing; collaboration
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2064134
Full text PDF: http://resolver.tudelft.nl/uuid:f6635432-dcf2-4fb5-94f1-b8b987e7f227


Fostered by new technologies, enabling new ways of communication and human interaction, society is moving away from geographically bound groups towards a network-like environment. In this environment, people are becoming place and time independent networked individuals. This shift is slowly finding its way into the professional environment. As organisations are turning into network organisations, this demands new ways of working from knowledge workers. Supported by Networked Individualism, these people become networked knowledge workers. When looking at professional service providers, we talk about networked service providers. This study proposes a conceptual design of a new knowledge environment, aimed specifically at network service providers. This environment builds on existing and proven principles, and adds functionality in the fields of open knowledge sharing, collaboration, security, communication, ratings, contextual network and devices. The novelty of the study resides in the link between Networked Individualism and the professional environment, as well as presenting a practical solution for the challenges this link introduces. Furthermore, it forms the basis for future ways of collaboration in a network environment. Advisors/Committee Members: de Vries, P., Ubacht, J., Verburg, R..