AbstractsBusiness Management & Administration

An informative website on social support provided by coaches to injured athletes

by Niloufar Jabbari Kohnehsari

Institution: California State University – Northridge
Department: Department of Kinesiology
Degree: MS
Year: 2015
Keywords: Informative website; Dissertations, Academic  – CSUN  – Kinesiology.
Record ID: 2062591
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10211.3/134728


This study examined the perception of coaches on an informative website on social support strategies that can be provided to injured athletes. Thirty coaches of high school, college and professional level sports (10 females, 20 males) completed an open ended opinion survey about the website (ucoachinjury.com). They rated satisfaction, usefulness, and effectiveness of the website based on their previous experience providing support to injured athletes. Results indicated that websites such as this are a definite need in the world of athletics and coaching; however, more applicable strategies are needed for the coaches at the professional level. Although the videos were very helpful as to getting the message across they needed major improvement as far as their quality is concerned. Knowledge was gained in different topics that were introduced. Multiple suggestions were made on various ways of improvement of the website and future of the study.