AbstractsComputer Science

Safety Analysis in Transportation Planning: A Planning and Geographic Information Systems Internship with the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission

by Emma Linette Troesch

Institution: Miami University
Department: Environmental Sciences
Degree: Master of Environmental Science
Year: 2015
Keywords: Environmental Science; Transportation Planning; Geographic Information Science; transportation planning; transportation safety planning; GIS; Geographic Information Systems; Metropolitan Planning Organizations, MPO; vehicular crash analysis; pedestrian safety; cyclist safety; driver distractions
Record ID: 2061172
Full text PDF: http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=miami1429606326


This report summarizes my activities as Planning Intern for the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC) from May 2014 through May 2015. The following report is organized by a history of Metropolitan Planning Organizations, MVRPC, and common aspects involved in transportation planning. This is followed by the role that MVRPC plays in environmental planning, transportation safety planning and the work that I contributed to the programs in that area. Major work that I contributed includes a preliminary analysis of traffic safety data in the Miami Valley Region for the years 2011 to 2013. Finally, I discuss how MVRPC may enhance safety planning as well as how the Institute for the Environment and Sustainability (IES) program at Miami University has impacted my education and career goals.