AbstractsComputer Science

Mobile keystroke dynamics: assessment and implementation

by Shea Ryan

Institution: California State University – Northridge
Department: Department of Computer Science
Degree: MS
Year: 2015
Keywords: input method service; Dissertations, Academic  – CSUN  – Computer Science.
Record ID: 2057936
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10211.3/133499


The majority of Americans now own a smartphone. We keep our most personal data in pockets and purses, seldom prepared for the pain and distress that loss of our phones can cause. For those with high-security data on their phone, theft of the device may prove catas- trophic. Although lock screens can help prevent unauthorized access, they cannot detect unauthorized device usage. Additionally, an attacker who has learned the passcode/pattern can use the device at her discretion. This paper explores the feasibility of increasing mobile security through the applica- tion of keystroke dynamics. Keystroke dynamics is a biometric based on typing. Typists develop individualized rhythms and patterns that can be used to distinguish the authentic user from an impostor. Traditionally, keystroke dynamics has been applied in high-security applications where users are typing on a full-sized physical keyboard. With the increasing prevalence of smartphones, the application of keystroke dynamics to the mobile domain could prove a powerful weapon against mobile data theft. To this note, I have explored the mobile application and accuracy of several well-known keystroke dynamics classifiers and developed an Android Input Method that implements typing pattern recognition using the best of these, the Nearest Neighbor Mahalanobis Distance classifier.