
The development and application of a procedure to measure culture strength in organizations

by Larry A. Mallak

Institution: Virginia Tech
Department: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Degree: PhD
Year: 2007
Keywords: Corporate culture Measurement.
Record ID: 1793292
Full text PDF: http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-05222007-091403/


The objectives of this exploratory research were to 1) operationally define culture strength, 2) develop a procedure for measuring culture strength in organizations, 3) and demonstrate the culture strength measurement procedure in one or more organizations. I used the culture strength measurement procedure in two organizations-a large research organization at a major university and the headquarters organization of a regional provider of life insurance products and services. I used analogies from materials engineering and psychology to help conceptualize and operationally define culture strength. I studied the effectiveness of five culture strength measures (intensity, core values, cultural behavior, effects from external forces, and the gap between the existing and desired culture) to predict three criterion variables (employee commitment, job satisfaction, and group cohesion). I constructed my measurement instrument using mostly existing scales modified for my application. I developed a scale to measure the force effect relationship.