
I. Absolute measurement of a set of energy calibration standards. II. A study of the density of states in beryllium-8

by Everet Hess Beckner

Institution: Rice University
Year: 1961
Keywords: Nuclear physics
Record ID: 1574203
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/1911/18186


This thesis will be devoted to describing two rather different problems of nuclear physics which have been studied with the Rice University 180° magnetic spectrometer. The first part of the thesis describes a series of experiments which has been performed in an effort to obtain a set of energy standards which could be employed in calibrating analyzing magnets associated with various experimental nuclear physics problems. The second part of the thesis describes a study of the decay scheme for three-body nuclear decay. A recent paper by Phillips, Griffy, and Biedenharn has treated the three-body decay process as a time sequence of two-body interactions; and the cross section predictions resulting from this treatment have been investigated.