
Factors affecting the electrolytic deposition of small amounts of lead as lead dioxide and the composition of the deposit

by Thomas Gordon Day

Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology
Year: 1932
Keywords: Lead dioxide.
Record ID: 1571642
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10355/17991


"The purpose of this investigation is to determine the best conditions for the quantitative deposition of lead when the content of this element is below 5 milligrams and to study the composition of the deposited PbO₂. The following conditions were studied during the course of the investigation. 1. The maximum amounts of copper and zinc permissible for the quantitative determination of lead. 2. Methods of separating lead from zinc when the latter element is present in amounts greater than are permitted in the determination of the lead. 3. The separation of lead from copper when this element is in greater amounts than are permissible in the determination of the lead. 4. The effect of the temperature on the deposit during electrolysis. 5. The effect of various solvents, the method of drying, and the temperature of drying on the deposited lead dioxide. 6. The amount of lead in solution after electrolysis. 7. Variations in the method of solution of the ore, and treatment before electrolysis" – The Problem, p. 6.