
A quantitative hailstorm study using broad vertical-beam radar.

by Jerry. Pell

Institution: McGill University
Department: Department of Meteorology.
Degree: MS.
Year: 1965
Keywords: Meteorology.; Hail.; Radar meteorology.
Record ID: 1568001
Full text PDF: http://digitool.library.mcgill.ca/thesisfile118098.pdf


The Alberta Rail Studies Project's AN/FPS-502 radar, equipped with "gray-scale" output circuitry and a broad vertical beam, was employed to study the storm of 18 July 1964. Defining the Total Radar Reflectivity permits the summation of the return from the three antenna beams to produce a composite of the echo through the entire depth of the storm. Time-meaned radar reflectivity profiles are obtained for the first time from this type of radar, and are used to derive equations to calculate the liquid water content of the storm. [...]