
The Occurrence of Thermal Groundwater in the Basin and Range Province of Arizona

by Jerome J. Wright

Institution: University of Arizona
Department: Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson
Year: 1971
Keywords: Water resources development  – Arizona.; Hydrology  – Arizona.; Hydrology  – Southwestern states.; Water resources development  – Southwestern states.; Geothermal studies; Thermal water; Arizona; Distribution patterns; Arid lands; Hydrogeology; Geomorphology; Thermal stratification; Bedrock; Faults (geology); Meteoric water; Geothermal gradients
Record ID: 1567778
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10150/300122


The distribution of groundwater having temperature considered to be higher than normal is examined on a regional basis. Much of the work was done by searching the literature and examining USGS records. The geographic distribution of the thermal waters is reviewed; relation to structure, geothermal gradients and water quality are discussed. Current and past utilization of thermal water from both springs and wells of the state has never been very extensive. Conclusions were: (1) the occurrence of thermal water in the state is closely allied to major structural elements, especially major fault zones; (2) geothermal gradients vary widely from place to place; (3) the extent of 'bedrock' influence on thermal water occurrence is difficult to ascertain; (4) most thermal water in southern Arizona is derived from meteoric water.