AbstractsBiology & Animal Science

Electrolytic and furnace refining of copper in south east Missouri

by Ray Gould Knickerbocker

Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology
Year: 1920
Record ID: 1567769
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10355/35758


"This article treats with the production of refined ingot copper from a Copper-Cobalt-Nickel Matte. The method employed to separate Copper from Cobalt and Nickel was the electrolytic process. The information given is the result of my experience as Superintendent of the copper department for The Missouri Cobalt Company, Fredericktown, Missouri. In order to simplify the article, it shall be divided into four parts, namely (1) the quality of product delivered to the copper department; (2) the leaching plant; (3) the electrolytic plant; (4) the furnace refinery" – Page 1.