
Kinetic studies on the formation and decomposition of hexamethylenetetramine.

by Thomas Robert. Ingraham

Institution: McGill University
Department: Department of Chemistry.
Degree: PhD
Year: 1947
Keywords: Chemistry.
Record ID: 1549051
Full text PDF: http://digitool.library.mcgill.ca/thesisfile125525.pdf


Hexamethylenetetramine, commonly referred to as hexamine or urotropine, is a compound of very considerable chemical interest, since it contains, potentially at least, the high reduction and condensation reactivity of six formaldehyde molecules together v;ith the extensive combining pov/er of four tertiary amine nitrogens. The structure of this molecule has been the object of much speculation since Butlerov (1) first prepared it in 1859 by the reaction of gaseous ammonia with formaldehyde. The structure suggested by Butlerov for the compound he identified as having the empirical formula C6H12N4. is as follows [...]