AbstractsBiology & Animal Science

Chemical and Physiological Properties of an Antibiotic Produced by a Variant of the Penicillium Notatum-Chrysogenum Group

by Loyd Conyers

Institution: North Texas State Teachers College
Year: 1947
Keywords: penicillium notatum-chrysogenum; antibiotic; biology; Penicillium notatum.
Record ID: 1544960
Full text PDF: http://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc70386/


The present study of the production and properties of an antibiotic was undertaken in the hope that some useful information could be contributed to a long-range investigation program being carried on at North Texas State Teachers College. This program is concerned with the production of a useful antibiotic from a variant of the Penicillium notatum-chysogenum group of molds.