AbstractsBiology & Animal Science

A comparison of crushing machines

by Clyde Willis Hall

Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology
Year: 1914
Record ID: 1536688
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10355/26063


"Much has been written on the comparative efficiency of the various sorts of crushing machines used in the art of Ore Dressing, but it must be confessed that the subject has by no means been reduced to one of the exact sciences as yet. This is rather a sad condition of affairs, for as is of course apparent to the most casual observer, the whole fabric of ore dressing rests and depends to a large degree on the efficiency and economy of the crushing machinery. Inefficient crushing means high costs, irrespective of the thoroughness and cheapness with which the ensuing operations are carried out. Numerous and varied experiments have been carried out for the purpose of determining some means of comparing the work done by the various types of crushers, and Richards, in his admirable Text Book of Ore Dressing, gives the results of personal investigations on the subject. Of the multifarious and ingenious formulae and theories advanced, only two have stood the test, those of Stadtler and of Rittinger. While neither of these two is scientifically exact, involving as the do, an empirical coefficient, yet they are the best we have at present. The following investigations were conducted with a view of determining the comparative vale and usefulness of the two methods, and while the work is far from being conclusive, yet there are points which will well repay consideration" – Introduction, leaf 1.