AbstractsBiology & Animal Science

Design and details of construction for a 50-ton amalgamation, concentration, and cyaniding mill

by Hector Julio Boza

Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology
Year: 1911
Record ID: 1521018
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10355/38575


"Our problem is to design and provide for the construction of a mill to cyanide a certain gold ore. Full laboratory experiments have been made on the ore and on the results of these tests together with the consideration of the conditions of locality, transportation facilities, and labor available we have based the design of our mill. Our aim has been to so design the mill that the capacity may be increased without necessitating any change of arrangement in the part already constructed. To increase the capacity up to 100 tons practically the only additional equipment required will be in the crushing and concentrating departments. Especial pains have been taken in selecting the machinery for the plant in order that the mill may be built in a locality where mule back transportation is necessary. All the machines have been sectionalized with this point in view, and the lightest type used where expedient" – Introduction, page 1.