
A determination of the rate of evaporation of zinc at atmospheric pressure.

by Yu Ming Su

Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology
Year: 1967
Record ID: 1519369
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10355/28449


"Measurements of evaporation rates of zinc in three different residual gases, e.g., argon, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen at one atmosphere pressure, were made. It was found that the rate of evaporation of zinc in one atmosphere of argon was almost the same as that in carbon monoxide, while the rate in hydrogen was almost twice the rate in argon or carbon monoxide. Measurements of evaporation rate of zinc in one atmosphere of argon-oxygen mixtures were also made. The evaporation rate was considerably reduced because the formation of the oxide film retards the zinc vapor escaping from the evaporating surface" – Abstract, p. iii.