AbstractsEarth & Environmental Science

A study of Missouri springs

by Harry Cloyd Bolon

Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology
Year: 1935
Record ID: 1497502
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10355/26155


"This thesis is based upon a study of the large springs of the Ozarks and is designed to answer many of the requests that are being received continually by the Missouri and the United States Geological Surveys. The various studies inculcated in this report are made from a rather limited amount of data available regarding the size, character, and sources of these springs and what they are actually worth to the State of Missouri. The main body of the thesis is a revised tabulation of data contained in Chapter 3, Volume 20, Missouri Bureau of Geology and Mines, "Water Resources of Missouri 1857-1926" by H. C. Beckman, and includes all records of spring flow collected since September 30, 1926 by the Missouri Geological Survey and Water Resources in cooperation with the Water Resources Branch of the United States Geological Survey and Missouri Game and Fish Department" – Introduction, p. 1.