AbstractsBiology & Animal Science

The Ta'ziyah: a Popular Expression of Shi'i Thought.

by J.W. Fiegenbaum

Institution: McGill University
Department: Department of Islamic Studies.
Degree: MA.
Year: 1965
Keywords: Islamic Studies.
Record ID: 1496557
Full text PDF: http://digitool.library.mcgill.ca/thesisfile108832.pdf


This thesis is an examination of the text of the ta' ziyah - a dramatic stage-presentation in commemoration of the martyrdom of Husayn, as found in the Pelly edition. The major theories as to the significance of the ta'ziyah are discussed, such as those of racial-political motivation, of parallels with the ancient near-eastern Adonis-Tammuz festival, and of parallels with Christian Passion play. It is argued that the ta'ziyah is best understood as an expression of soteriological themes, but that these are derived from experiences within the internal developments of Islam. The Islamic origin of these themes is found in the concept of martyrdom in Hadith literature and in a more developed form in recognized Shi'i creedal statements. [...]