AbstractsEarth & Environmental Science

The fluorine and manganese content of certain Missouri waters

by Erwin Charles Hoeman

Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology
Year: 1935
Record ID: 1486241
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10355/27070


"Since early in 1931, considerable attention has been brought to bear upon the subject of fluorides in drinking water supplies, following the discovery of high fluoride concentrations in waters consumed by persons afflicted with the dental defect known as mottled enamel. Analyses have been made, in the course of this study, of a comparatively large number of Missouri waters. The waters analyzed have been collected and made available by the Missouri Geological Survey and Water Resources. They have been secured from diverse sources and include surface waters and underground waters from different geological formations, throughout the State of Missouri" – Introduction, p. 3.