AbstractsLaw & Legal Studies

An approach to county planning - Miller County

by Frederick William Hurd

Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology
Year: 1938
Record ID: 1485153
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10355/27780


"The purpose of this report is to present and discuss a proposed eight year state and county highway program as applicable to Miller County. Local needs for transportation service may be most readily and efficiently administered to on the county basis. The highway requirements of the state are now largely for local service roads and it is evident that a fair and just method of allocating this service must provide for the physical characteristics, economical status and local peculiarities of the area involved. We may therefore justly assume that the counties, the smallest political subdivisions in the state having direct jurisdiction over considerable portions of local service roads, are the units upon which future highway planning must be proportioned" – Introduction, p. ix.