AbstractsWomens Studies

A questionnaire on the attitudes of pregnant and recently pregnant woman towards the use of homoeopathic treatment during pregnancy

by Michael Taylor

Institution: University of Johannesburg
Year: 2012
Keywords: Pregnant women - Attitudes; Pregnancy - Complications - Homeopathic treatment
Record ID: 1481975
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10210/5536


The interest in homoeopathy amongst the general population has been documented in many western countries (Barret, 2003). Despite growing evidence of the safety and efficacy of homoeopathy, only a small percentage of pregnant women are currently using homoeopathy for the treatment of associated signs and symptoms. A misconception is that homoeopathy and herbalism is the same. Herbal remedies need to be administered with caution during pregnancy, as many contain chemicals that will cross the placental barrier. Ghegas states that by treating the pregnant patient, one is treating the baby at the same time, and that with correct homoeopathic treatment, you can only influence the baby in a positive way, never in a negative way (Ghegas, 1990). This research involved the questioning of 100 participants on their knowledge and use of homoeopathic treatment during pregnancy. The study included females between the ages of eighteen and forty years, who were either currently pregnant or who had given birth within the previous twelve months. The questionnaire was divided into three sections namely; demographics of the sample group, their knowledge and perceptions towards homoeopathy, and their medical symptoms and use of treatment during pregnancy. The results of the study provided data on the views and opinions of pregnant women and recently pregnant women. And showed an association between the following; the participant's age, their socio-economic status, the number of pregnancies they had experienced, and their views on homoeopathy and complementary and alternative treatments/medicines. The study showed that the older the participants were the more positive their outlook towards homoeopathy was. The study also showed that the higher the participant's socio-economic status was, the more likely they were to have used complementary and alternative medicines/treatments in the past five years. This study also indicated that the more pregnancies the participants had experienced the more positive their thoughts and opinions were towards homoeopathy. This shows an opportunity for the use of homoeopathy in the treatment of the signs and symptoms that are experienced during pregnancy. The use of homoeopathy will allow for improvement in all aspects of health, for both the pregnant women and the unborn baby.