AbstractsComputer Science

Evaluation of autostereoscopic 3Dvideo for short-term exposure

by Ida Renström

Institution: KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Year: 2015
Keywords: Autosterecopic 3D; Autostereoskopisk 3D; Natural Sciences; Computer and Information Science; Media and Communication Technology; Naturvetenskap; Data- och informationsvetenskap; Medieteknik; Civilingenjörsexamen - Medieteknik; Master of Science in Engineering - Media Technology; Medieteknik; Media Technology
Record ID: 1371905
Full text PDF: http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-161885


Ida Renström Evaluation of autostereoscopic 3D video for short-term exposure, produced using semiautomatic stereo-to-multiview conversion ABSTRACT In this study, I investigate semiautomatic conversion from stereoscopic 3D to autostereoscopic 3D with multiple views. The conversion simplifies the production compared to creating autostereoscopic 3D from scratch. The research question of this study is; what level of holistic experience can be achieved from converted 3D compared to stereoscopic 3D video with glasses? The intended 3D contexts for this study require or are favored by glassesfree 3D with multiple views, and the exposure of 3D is shorttermed. I conducted user tests in a controlled setting as well as a public setting. The results show that it is difficult to make a general evaluation of the user experience of the final product, because different individuals perceive 3D very differently. Results from experiments in a controlled setting, where stereoscopic 3D was used as a direct reference, indicate that converted autostereoscopic 3D does not achieve the same perceived video quality as stereoscopic 3D. However, the fact that no glasses are needed compensates for this in the overall user experience. In an experiment with a public setting, where the participants' previous experiences of stereoscopic 3D were used as reference, a majority perceived the quality of converted autostereoscopic 3D to be better than, or equivalent to, that of previous experiences with stereoscopic 3D. A majority also said that the experience was positive. The latter experience made u se of an environment and situation that was close to real life and the intended types of contexts. Therefore, these results argue that autostereoscopic multiview 3D video converted from stereoscopic 3D is useful and gives a good holistic experience compared to stereoscopic 3D with glasses. This is in contexts favored by glassesfree 3D with multiple views and where the exposure of 3D is shorttermed. An autostereoscopic display in a retail space, where people walk by and view advertised material for a few seconds, is one example of a context suited for converted autostereoscopic 3D. ; Ida Renström Evaluering av autostereoskopisk 3D-video för korttidsexponering, producerad genom semiautomatisk stereo-till-multiview konvertering SAMMANFATTNING I denna studie undersöker jag semiautomatisk konvertering från stereoskopisk 3D till autostereoskopisk 3D med multipla vyer. Konverteringen förenklar produktionen, jämfört med att skapa autostereoskopisk 3D från grunden. Frågeställningen i denna studie är; vilken helhetsupplevelse resultatet av konverteringen ger i jämförelse med stereoskopisk 3D, inom vissa specifika användningsområden. Dessa användningsområden utgörs av 3D-sammanhang som starkt gynnas av glasögonfri 3D med multipla vyer och där exponeringen av 3D är kortvarig. Jag genomförde användartester i dels kontrollerad miljö samt offentlig miljö. Resultaten i denna studie visar att det är svårt att göra en generell…