
Source Term Estimation in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer; Källtermsuppskattning i det atmosfäriska gränsskiktet

by Brännvall Tobias

Institution: Umeå University
Year: 2015
Keywords: CFD; Source; Source term; STE; RANS; k epsilon; Adjoint; Adjoint equation; Reynolds transport equation; transport equation; adjoint of transport equation; Adjoint duality; Natural Sciences; Physical Sciences; Other Physics Topics; Naturvetenskap; Fysik; Annan fysik; Mathematics; Computational Mathematics; Matematik; Beräkningsmatematik; Mathematical Analysis; Matematisk analys; Other Mathematics; Annan matematik; Master of Science Programme in Engineering Physics; Civilingenjörsprogrammet i Teknisk fysik; Examensarbete i teknisk fysik; Examensarbete i teknisk fysik
Record ID: 1344702
Full text PDF: http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-103671


This work evaluates whether the branch of Reynolds Averaging in Computational Fluid Dynamics can be used to, based on real field measurements, find the source of the measured gas in question. The method to do this is via the adjoint to the Reynolds Averaged Scalar Transport equation, explained and derived herein. Since the Inverse is only as good as the main equation, forward runs are made to evaluate the turbulence model. Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes is solved in a domain containing 4 cubes in a 2x2 grid, generating a velocity field for said domain. The turbulence model in question is a union of two modifications to the standard two equation k-ε model in order to capture blunt body turbulence but also to model the atmospheric boundary layer. This field is then inserted into the Reynolds Averaged Scalar Transport equation and the simulation is compared to data from the Environmental Flow wind tunnel in Surrey. Finally the adjoint scalar transport is solved, both for synthetic data that was generated in the forward run, but also for the data from EnFlo. It was discovered that the turbulent Schmidt number plays a major role in capturing the dispersed gas, three different Schmidt numbers were tested, the standard 0.7, the unconventional 0.3 and a height dependent Schmidt number. The widely accepted value of 0.7 did not capture the dispersion at all and gave a huge model error. As such the adjoint scalar transport was solved for 0.3 and a height dependent Schmidt number. The interaction between measurements, the real source strength (which is not used in the adjoint equation, but needed to find the source) and the location of the source is intricate indeed. Over estimation and under estimation of the forward model may cancel out in order to find the correct source, with the correct strength. It is found that Reynolds Averaged Computational fluid dynamics may prove useful in source term estimation.                               ; Detta arbete utvärderar hurvida Reynolds medelvärdesmodellering inom flödessimuleringar kan användas till att finna källan till en viss gas baserat på verkliga mätningar ute i fält. Metoden går ut på att använda den adjungerade ekvationen till Reynolds tidsmedlade skalära transportekvationen, beskriven och härledd häri. Då bakåtmodellen bygger på framåtmodellen, måste såleds framåtmodellen utvärderas först. Navier-Stokes ekvationer med en turbulensmodell löses i en domän, innehållandes 4 kuber i en 2x2 orientering, för vilken en hastighetsprofil erhålles. Turbulensmodellen som användes är en union av två olika k-ε modeller, där den ena fångar turbulens runt tröga objekt och den andra som modellerar atmosfäriska gränsskiktet. Detta fält används sedan i framåtmodellen av skalära transportekvationen, som sedan jämförs med körningar från EnFlo windtunneln i Surrey. Slutligen testkörs även den adjungerade ekvationen, både för syntetiskt data genererat i framåtkörningen men även för data från EnFlo tunneln. Då det visade sig att det turbulenta Schmidttalet…