
Urban Acupuncture "Revitalizing urban areas by small scale interventions"

by Rick Hoogduyn

Institution: Blekinge Institute of Technology
Year: 2014
Keywords: fysisk planering; spatial planning - urban design; spatial planning - communications; spatial planning - local planning; urban acupuncture; small scale interventions; public space; participation; malmö; amsterdam; top-down; bottom-up; principles; urban revitalization
Record ID: 1338327
Full text PDF: http://www.bth.se/fou/cuppsats.nsf/6753b78eb2944e0ac1256608004f0535/422cae59e396a3f8c1257d07003ce051?OpenDocument


This thesis aims to create a better understanding of the theory of urban acupuncture. It attempts to create an overall view of the theory and discusses its benefits and challenges. By applying a critical discourse analyze on the visions of three theorists and four additional case studies, this thesis seeks to find an answer to the main research question: How can the theory of Urban Acupuncture be successfully applied in order to revitalize urban areas? The three enumerated visions within this thesis, belong to the theorists who coined urban acupuncture namely; Jaime Lerner, Manuel de Sola-Morales and Marco Casagrande. Urban acupuncture takes part of an emerge of Do It Yourself (DIY) initiatives. By urban acupuncture is generally understood that it is about the application of small scale interventions, which create a higher livability. It hereby reacts against the large-scale revitalization projects that took place in the last decades. Urban acupuncture performs small-scale interventions at strategic chosen locations to create a maximization of the effects causing possible (socially) catalytic spinoffs. Urban acupuncture projects can occur from top-down as well as bottom-up initiatives and allow participatory processes. Comprehensive information on urban acupuncture is scarce. The available sources remain vague about the correct implementation or execution and offer little to no clarification. Nevertheless there are initiatives noticeable by several practitioners. By analyzing these projects with a critical look, a link between the theory and practice can be made, allowing an exposure of the benefits and challenges that these cases encountered. The enumeration of these aspects leads to a better understanding of the theory and can thereby lead to a better implementation for future projects. The thesis focuses on four cases studies, differing from both top-down as bottom- up initiatives. Two cases represent the top-down initiative projects and took place in Rosengård, (Malmö, Sweden). The two bottom-up initiatives took place in De Baarsjes (Amsterdam, the Netherlands). These cases have indicated themselves, that they applied urban acupuncture. The main findings of this thesis are that from the theory, 8 different principles can be determined, which should be taken into account when urban acupuncture is applied. The case studies that this thesis addresses, showcase noticeable similarities with these 8 principles. This account for both top-down as for the bottom-up initiatives. However, the projects have also showcased that not all the principles were as obviously present as others. This can be related to the fact that the cases marked their projects as urban acupuncture in a retro-perspective way. This puts the results of this thesis in a different spotlight. Another possible explanation could be that the principles are not a necesity, but mostly a recommendation. Therefore not every principle might be present in forms of urban acupuncture. …