AbstractsComputer Science

Online Social Exergames for Seniors: a Pillar of Gamification for Clinical Practice

by Stathis Konstantinidis ; Ellen Brox ; Per Egil Kommervold ; Josef Hallberg ; Gunn Evertsen ; Johannes Hirche

Institution: Luleå University of Technology
Department: Computer Science
Year: 2014
Record ID: 1337846
Full text PDF: https://pure.ltu.se/portal/en/publications/online-social-exergames-for-seniors-a-pillar-of-gamification-for-clinical-practice(d3fac605-8972-4735-be14-002d405e4bce).html


The population is getting older, and the resources for care will be even more limited in the future than they are now. There is thus an aim for the society that the seniors can manage themselves as long as possible, while at the same time keeping a high quality of life. Physical activity is important to stay fit, and social contact is important for the quality of life. This chapter aims to provide a state-of-the-art of online social exergames for seniors, providing glimpses of senior users’ opinions and games limitations. The importance of the motivational techniques will be emphasized, as well as the impact that the exergames have to seniors. It will contribute to the book objectives focusing on current state and practice in health games for physical training and rehabilitation and the use of gamification, exploring future opportunities and uses of gamification in eHealth and discussing the respective challenges and limitations.