AbstractsComputer Science

Scalable applications in a distributed environment

by Filip Andersson

Institution: Blekinge Institute of Technology
Year: 2011
Keywords: datavetenskap; computer science - distributed computing; parallel programming; mpi; distributed computing
Record ID: 1330742
Full text PDF: http://www.bth.se/fou/cuppsats.nsf/6753b78eb2944e0ac1256608004f0535/26de45d9b4c202a6c12578d100639e2b?OpenDocument


As the amount of simultaneous users of distributed systems increase, scalability is becoming an important factor to consider during software development. Without sufficient scalability, systems might have a hard time to manage high loads, and might not be able to support a high amount of users. We have determined how scalability can best be implemented, and what extra costs this leads to. Our research is based on both a literature review, where we have looked at what others in the field of computer engineering thinks about scalability, and by implementing a highly scalable system of our own. In the end we came up with a couple of general pointers which can help developers to determine if they should focus on scalable development, and what they should consider if they choose to do so.