
When body image negative interactions and safeness memories predict body image shame: the role of centrality of body shame experiences

by Rita Sofia Pais

Institution: Universidade de Coimbra
Year: 2014
Keywords: Vergonha corporal
Record ID: 1323406
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10316/27203


Previous research has highlighted the role of body shame and its negative influence on mental and physical well-being. This reality is present in current society where physical appearance plays a crucial role in how the person sees herself and builds its identity as a social agent. Early memories of body shame in childhood and adolescence may cause suffering throughout our lives and can translate into high levels of shame in adulthood. In this line of reasoning, the present study was tested a mediator model where we examined whether experiences of bullying and teasing in childhood and adolescence by peers and if memories of warmth and safeness in childhood would predict body image shame in adulthood, mediated by the centrality of body shame memories. This study was conducted in a sample of 566 female subjects college students and womens recruited from general population, who answered a battery of self-report questionnaires assessing: body image shame, centrality of body shame memories, experiences of bullying and teasing in childhood and adolescence and memories of warmth and safeness in childhood. Path analyses‟ results revealed that having been victim of bullying and teasing directed to body image by peers seems to predict greater body image shame in adulthood, when partly mediated by the extent to which these experiences of body shame become central to the identity. Furthermore, results suggest a protective effect of experiences of warmth and safeness in childhood on current body shame. This study highlights the idea that experiences with peers and primary caregivers may influence how negative experiences directed to body image become central to person identity, translating into higher body image shame in adulthood.; Estudos anteriores realçaram o papel da vergonha corporal e a sua influência nefasta no bem-estar físico e mental. Esta realidade está muito presente na sociedade atual onde a aparência física possui um papel crucial na forma como a pessoa se vê e na sua construção enquanto agente social. Memórias de vergonha corporal na infância e na adolescência parecem causar sofrimento ao longo da vida, podendo traduzir-se em elevados níveis de vergonha na adultez. Nesta linha de raciocínio, este estudo testou um modelo de mediação onde foi examinado a forma como experiências de bullying e teasing na infância e adolescência por parte dos pares e, se memórias de calor e afeto na infância, poderão prever sentimentos de vergonha em relação à imagem corporal em adultos, mediado pela centralidade dessas memorias de vergonha corporal. Este estudo foi conduzido numa amostra de 566 raparigas estudantes e mulheres recrutadas da população geral, que responderam a uma bateria de questionários de auto-resposta que avaliaram: vergonha corporal, centralidade de memórias de vergonha em relação à imagem, experiências de bullying e teasing na infância e adolescência e memórias de calor e afeto na infância. Os resultados da Path analyse revelaram que ter sido vitima de bullying e teasing em relação à imagem corporal parecem…