AbstractsBiology & Animal Science

The Characteristics of New Zealand Oolong Tea

by Bin Zhang

Institution: University of Waikato
Year: 2012
Keywords: EGCG Catechins; New Zealand Oolong tea
Record ID: 1314587
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10289/6491


Tea is a beverage made from steeping dried leaves in hot water. Worldwide, more than 10,000 different teas are made from different varietals of Camellia sinensis.Tea is a relatively new tea crop to New Zealand and they do grow well in New Zealand conditions. Research to date in New Zealand indicated is present some unique features compared to tea will wide. The main unique problem with New Zealand Oolong tea is the character of special colour and flavour and different process of manufacture. No systematic trials of the EGCG content had been performed on New Zealand Oolong tea and therefore this research investigated the characteristics of New Zealand Oolong tea processing and use HPLC to determine the content of EGCG in fresh tea leaves of New Zealand Oolong tea. This study used HPLC to determine EGCG the content of leaves used to make New Zealand Oolong tea. In the fresh tea leaves that have not been through the indoor wilting stage, the content of EGCG is 124mg/g. In finished tea the content of EGCG is 112mg/g. That is significantly higher than other teas such as Pu-erh, Fujian Oolong tea, DaHongPao Black tea. The results indicated that the early stages of the current tea manufacturing process are critical for controlling the EGCG content and extend of EGCG oxidation in the finished product.