AbstractsBusiness Management & Administration

Enriching the shopping experience of a user in an online apparel store:

by R.V. Gulekov

Institution: Delft University of Technology
Year: 2013
Keywords: brand personality; product representation; audio-visual stimuli; online product interaction; online store; clothes
Record ID: 1264862
Full text PDF: http://resolver.tudelft.nl/uuid:5488e515-7d0d-4af3-b48d-f97c6bd2f982


This thesis is focused on enriching the experience of a customer at an online apparel store. More specifically on how to make an online apparel store stand out among other online retailers. The author follows a design approach based on the exploration of the overall shopping experience. By exploring the shopping experience in physical and online store, the online product representation, product interactions and the personality of the brand are determined. After performing an observational research and conducting interviews with potential users, the customer persona is elaborated. To exemplify how this approach work and to provide inspiration for other designers a case study of G-Star RAW is carried out. An extension to their online store is designed to allow the user try a richer product representation, an extended field of product interactions and to help the user to better recognise the personality of the brand. A brand that provides satisfying experience of online product exploration is more appreciated by customers. Thus it is able to stand out among other brands and reconfirm itself as an authorit