
Creating value with an ocean ecopark: An assessment of the interdependent actor situation for a comprehensive ocean ecopark design in small island developing states:

by R.J.A. Oudshoorn

Institution: Delft University of Technology
Year: 2014
Keywords: ocean ecopark; value creation; exchange modelling; actor interdependency
Record ID: 1262549
Full text PDF: http://resolver.tudelft.nl/uuid:f0361c39-ab2d-41fd-bee0-1d498f2d3fbc


The purpose of this research is to provide insight in the system design process of an ocean ecopark, from the viewpoint of an independent policy analyst. More concretely efforts are made to provide capabilities gain insight in the value creation process between interdependent actors that influence the configuration of an ocean ecopark. An ocean ecopark is an initiative that deploys the potential of the ocean by utilizing cold ocean water through synergetic relations between tenants. This initiative can provide small island developing states (SIDS) with an opportunity to produce their own food, energy and drinking water in an economical and sustainable manner. The construction of a cold water network, that enables the connection among different tenants on an ecopark, is a very expensive investment. The configuration of an ocean ecopark is still undefined and is adapted to the needs of a location to ensure the success and acceptance. In order to do so, this research assesses the actor context to provide insight in the aspects where an ocean ecopark can be valuable for an island. Corresponding with the socio-technical background, the complications within this design process are, for the purpose of this research, related to the actor situation. Namely, the many actors are involved on or around on ocean ecopark that can affect or are affected by this project. Each of the actors has their own objectives that they like to accomplish, and for which the ocean ecopark can be an excellent possibility. The ocean ecopark has only limited opportunity to accommodate these, sometimes, conflicting interests of actors. Moreover, actors possess different resources and capabilities to influence the design process. This creates interdependencies in the actor environment and complicates the design process. The analysis of this problem consists of a proposition of mutual beneficial transactions that actors can make when rationalizing their decision over the control they possess. By exchanging excess control (resources) for favourable control based on their interest (objectives) over issues (core values), an actor is better capable of fulfilling its objectives. This static assessment leads to a redistribution of the control, which actors can exert for the purpose of an ocean ecopark design. The results shown by the exchange model tool encompass the weighted values for an ocean ecopark and preliminary system specifications. The weighted issues are derived by accumulating the different interest functions of actors. A designer can apply these weighted issues as criteria for the creation and evaluation of conceptual designs. The preliminary system specifications can be obtained through the actors who possess a large portion of the resources to influence a relevant issue. Since there resources are needed for the design process, their commitment and acceptance can be realized by integrating their wishes for a particular issue into the conceptual design. This value creation process arises through the commitment of actors for the design process.…