AbstractsBusiness Management & Administration

An Investigation of how private companies can benefit from public sector through open data:

by K. Poulis

Institution: Delft University of Technology
Year: 2015
Keywords: open data; governmental data; PSI; open data use; linked open data; VRIN; resource based theory; resource dependence theory
Record ID: 1256336
Full text PDF: http://resolver.tudelft.nl/uuid:521bc7f1-74c2-4298-8fcb-f8e7ec7e8de8


This research focuses on how private companies can use open data in order to innovate. The research investigates how certain resources and moderating variables can influence the open data use by the companies. The research used four research methods in order to collect the necessary data: Literature review, open data scenario, interviews, and survey. In addition three core theories used in order to identify whether open data can lead to innovation and a potential competitive advantage: Resource based theory, resource dependence theory, and VRIN characteristics