AbstractsBiology & Animal Science



Institution: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Year: 2015
Record ID: 1224423
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10280/6075


Enterococcus faecium is commonly found in high numbers in ready to eat foods, being a member of the bacterial communities of a variety of fermented foods, including cheese and sausages, and is widely used as human and animal probiotic. However, this bacterial species is a leading cause of nosocomial infection, mainly endocarditis and urinary tract infections. Recent studies have demonstrated that E. faecium species consists of two very distinct clades: the hospital associated (HA) clade “A”, which includes most of the strains responsible for human infections, and the community associated (CA) clade “B”, that contains primarily human commensal isolates. Deeper analysis revealed a further split within clade A into sub-clade A1 (which groups the vast majority of clinical isolates), and sub-clade A2, associated with animals and sporadic human infections. In 2012, the European Food Safety Authority has issued a guideline for the safety assessment of E. faecium used as animal probiotics, concluding the strains belonging to the hospital-associated clade should not be used in animal nutrition. However, the differentiation of the two clades has been performed using data mainly deriving from human and animal isolates, and only a limited number of strains from the food chain were considered. Aim of this doctoral thesis was to assess the safety of E. faecium in fermented food, considering strains isolated from artisanal cheese and meat products, and using both whole genome-based techniques and physiological studies. None of the food isolates studied in this work belong to the epidemic clade A1, however a strain isolated from a ready to eat salami revealed several A1-specific traits, such as specific IS, transposases and antibiotic resistance genes. These results, as well as other data, underline the emergency of deeper understanding the role of E. faecium isolated from fermented foods as risk factor for human health.; Enterococcus faecium è un componente fondamentale del microbiota di diversi alimenti fermentati quali formaggi e salumi e viene spesso isolato in alto numero in alimenti pronti al consumo. É inoltre largamente utilizzato come probiotico sia per l’uomo che per gli animali. Allo stesso tempo, però, questa specie batterica rappresenta una delle cause principali di infezioni nosocomiali quali endocarditi ed infezioni al tratto urinario. Studi recenti hanno dimostato che la specie E. faecium è costituita da due sub-popolazioni principali: la prima è denominate hospital associated (HA) clade “A” ed include la maggior parte dei ceppi responsabili di infezioni umane; la seconda è chiamata community associated (CA) clade “B”, e contiene principalmente ceppi commensali dell’uomo. Analisi più approfondite hanno rivelato un ulteriore suddivisione all’interno del clade A, nel sub-clade A1 (che raggruppa la maggioranza dei ceppi clinici) e nel sub-clade A2, associato agli animali e più sporadicamente ad infezioni umane. Nel 2012, EFSA ha redatto una linea guida per la valutazione della sicurezza di E. faecium usato…