AbstractsLanguage, Literature & Linguistics

Distinctions and Transgressions in the Realm of Icelandic Romance: An Encounter with the Stepmother

by Romina Wulf

Institution: University of Iceland
Year: 2015
Keywords: Íslenskar bókmenntir
Record ID: 1220970
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/1946/20727


The wicked stepmother is a well-known character in folklore and popular culture and arguably one of the most accomplished female villains of fictional literature. Also the medieval Icelandic saga corpus is among the numerous literary contexts in which the character can be encountered, and some conspicuously wicked specimens are featured in a subgroup of the genre that dates from the period between the late thirteenth to the fifteenth centuries. Since these types of sagas are set in a courtly milieu and display overtly chivalric ideals, they have also become known as Icelandic romances. Icelandic society underwent great changes during the latter part of the Middle Ages. When the country was integrated into the Norwegian monarchy in the course of the thirteenth century, a new social elite emerged which received its power from the king rather than from retainers. This class was preoccupied with the ideology of the court which promoted the adoption of new modes of normative social behavior. These were also considerably influenced by Christian norms and ideals such as monogamous marriage and sexual purity. This thesis discusses the function of the character of the stepmother in the context of changing norms and attitudes which are expressed in the secular Icelandic prose literature that emerged during that time. Vonda stjúpan er vel þekkt persóna í þjóðsögum og alþýðumenningu. Færa má rök fyrir því að hún sé ein best þekkta neikvæða persóna af kvenkyni í skálduðum frásagnarbókmenntum. Hana má einnig finna í íslenskum fornsögum, ekki síst eru dæmi um mjög skæðar stjúpmæður í undirtegund sagnanna sem varð til á síðmiðöldum, frá lokum 13. aldar til þeirrar 15. Þessar sögur fjalla um riddara og hugsjónir þeirra og eru því kallaðar íslenskar rómönsur. Íslenskt samfélag gekk í gegnum veigamiklar breytingar á síðari hluta miðalda. Eftir því sem leið á 13. öldina varð til ný yfirstétt sem þáði yfirráð sín frá konungi fremur en frá lægra settum lögum samfélagsins. Þessi stétt var upptekin af hugmyndafræði hirðarinnar þar sem nýjar reglur um viðtekna félagslega hegðun voru í hávegum hafðar. Kristileg áhersla á einkvæni og hreinlífi höfðu þar líka mikil áhrif. Í ritgerðinni er persóna vondu stjúpunnar rædd í samhengi við þessa nýju bókmenntagrein og ný viðhorf sem komu fram á þessum tíma.