AbstractsEarth & Environmental Science

Volcanic architecture and mode of emplacement of the Þingvellir lava, SW-Iceland

by Einar Bessi Gestsson 1991

Institution: University of Iceland
Year: 2015
Keywords: Jarðfræði
Record ID: 1220632
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/1946/21553


Research into pahoehoe lava flows are of great importance because they can indicate mode of emplacement and duration of eruption that produce such lava flows. Þingvellir lava is pahoehoe lava composed of many lava lobes. Each lava lobe consists of three parts, upper crust, lava core and basal crust. Thin crust forms on the surface of pahoehoe lava when it flows on the surface. When the upper crust has reached sufficient strength to slow down the advance of the flow front, hydrostatic pressure within the lava lobe increases and it inflates. Meanwhile the lava beneath the upper crust is constantly adding to the thickness of the crust. The Þingvellir lava is a 10.8 km3 flow field that covers the northern half of Þingvellir basin. The main objective of this project is to document the characteristic volcanic architecture of the flow field as well as gain better understanding of mode and duration of its emplacement. The fissures at Þingvellir, e.g. Almannagjá, provide excellent exposures into the compound nature of the Þingvellir lava and thus are ideal for examining the lateral and vertical arrangements of lava lobes along with the internal structures that typify individual lobes. For this study I examined a 300 m long section of the footwall to Almannagjá. The lobe geometry is documented, lobe thickness and length measured to determine the aspect ratio for each. Thickness of upper crust on each lobe is measured to determine the duration of emplacement for each. The vesicularity of the upper crust is determined via image analyses and the results are examined in relation to mode of emplacement to evaluate possible mechanisms for the growth of the upper crust. This data is used to establish the collective emplacement time for the lobe in the examined section of the footwall. The area covered by the lava represented in the section is estimated using the lobe geometry and aspect ratios, which in turn is used to estimate the duration of the eruption that formed Þingvellir lava. The results of these calculations indicate that the emplacement time of Þingvellir lava could be on the time scale of hundred years. To get more precise results for the emplacement time a more extensive research has to be done. Rannsóknir á helluhraunum eru mikilvægar af því að þær geta geta gefið vísbendingar um myndunarferli og lengd einstakra atburða sem mynda slík hraun. Þingvallahraun er helluhraun samsett úr mörgum hraunsepum. Hver hraunsepi skiptist í þrjá hluta, yfirborðsskorpu, kjarna og botnskorpu. Þunn skorpa byrjar að myndast á yfirborði helluhrauna þegar þau renna á yfirborði. Þegar skorpan hefur náð nægilegum styrk til þess að hægja á framrás hraunsins, eykst vökvaþrýstingur í hraunsepanum og hann þenst út. Samtímis því er hraun sem rennur undir yfirborðsskorpunni stöðugt að bæta við þykkt hennar. Þingvallahraun er 10.8 km3 hraunbreiða sem þekur norðurhelming Þingvallalægðarinnar. Meginviðfangsefni þessa verkefnis er að skrá niður helstu einkenni á uppbyggingu hraunsins og einnig að öðlast betri skilning á myndunarferli og myndunartíma…