AbstractsBusiness Management & Administration

Quantitative Value: Seeking Excess Returns on the Stock Market

by Hjalti Þór Skaftason 1989

Institution: University of Iceland
Year: 2015
Keywords: Hagfræði; Hlutabréfamarkaðir; Fjárfestingar
Record ID: 1220525
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/1946/20287


The objective of this thesis is to develop and back-test an investment strategy created by professors Wesley R. Gray and Tobias E. Carlisle in their book Quantitative Value, published in 2013. Gray and Carlisle construct a quantitative strategy based on Warren Buffet’s investment philosophy and when back-tested, show that the strategy has been able to outperform the S&P500 TR Index for the last 40 years. The author tries to replicate the results shown by Gray and Carlisle for the US stock market which, despite the short period analyzed, gives promising results as the strategy generates a positive Jensen’s alpha that is statistically significant. When implemented for the Icelandic stock market the results are very impressive as the model’s return is significantly higher than the market’s. The model also manages to outperform Icelandic equity funds over a recent 18 month period, generating the highest Jensen’s alpha that is also statistically significant. The author set out to see if the model could be improved by introducing a new measure; return on invested capital (ROIC). The model’s results with ROIC included were impressive but did not improve the performance of the original model. However, due to the small sample size, the author believes that the result give cause to further research. The results support Gray and Carlisle’s findings that they have managed to find a model that systematically picks value stocks that generate excess returns. Hagfræðideild hefur samþykkt lokaðan aðgang að þessari ritgerð til 7. janúar 2017.